New CRA Requirements for Reporting Property Sales

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Find out what the new rules are and the penalties for not reporting properly!

Join Faisal on More Than Money this Saturday for an info-packed show covering taxes, going back to work in retirement, the quality of long term care in Alberta, and an important reason to review the way your family manages finances.

The CRA has new requirements about reporting the sale of your home. Nizam Shajani, CPA, CA and Senior Partner at Shajani LLP Chartered Professional Accountants, joins the show to share what those rules are, how to make sure you are reporting properly, and what the penalties could be if you don’t.

Also, don’t miss Sharon Numerow, Certified Divorce Financial Analyst at Alberta Divorce Finances, as she shares some of the issues that arise in families if only one person takes care of the finances. She and Faisal also discuss the financial impact of divorce after 50.

And Andrew Neuner, CEO at the Health Quality Council of Alberta, joins Faisal to share the results of a new survey about long-term care in the province.


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More Than Money

Is the Alberta Pension Plan dead?

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Retirement is supposed to be your reward after years of hard work, but without the right plan, it can quickly become stressful. As you approach retirement, uncertainty can weigh heavily:

  • Do I have enough saved to retire comfortably and sustain my lifestyle?
  • How will rising inflation and unpredictable markets affect my income?
  • What’s the plan if my health deteriorates or my care needs change?
  • Will I be able to pass on my wealth to my family without unnecessary tax burdens?
  • Am I prepared for the unexpected, like market crashes or medical emergencies?

At Dave and Faisal’s seminar, you’ll discover strategies to ensure you’re financially secure, no matter what life throws your way. From optimizing your investments and reducing taxes to safeguarding your legacy and health, this free seminar is designed to tackle the biggest concerns of those within 10 years of retirement or already retired.

Ensure your retirement is everything you’ve dreamed of, sign up for this exclusive event today!

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