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Show Category: Growth

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One of the worst money mistakes could be retiring early, but will you regret it?

Join Rob Gerrie and Faisal Karmali on More Than Money as they talk to Harvard-trained economist Laurence J. Kotlikoff about the real cost of retiring early. Also on the show, The Travel Lady, Lesley Keyter on living on a cruise ship in retirement. […]

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Tools that can help you stay active as you age

August 10, 2024 | Economy Growth Health Income Lifestyle

And, why river cruises are becoming a popular travel option Join Dave Popowich and Faisal Karmali on More Than Money as they talk to Justin Slimm, Owner/Operator of Slimm Fitness, about how to stay active as you get older and what equipment can help.Also on the show, Dave and Faisal talk about their recent experience […]

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Money and the fear of not having enough

July 13, 2024 | Economy Growth Income Lifestyle

And, how climate change contributes to homelessness Join Faisal Karmali & Dave Popowich on More Than Money as they talk to Andrea McTague, Founder of ShiftGrit Psychology and Counselling, about how to change your perspective on spending your money so that you can live your best life in retirement. Also on the show, Tim Richter, […]

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How are the new capital gains rules affecting business owners?

Join Faisal Karmali and Rob Gerrie on More Than Money as they talk to Dan Kelly, President and CEO, Canadian Federation of Independent Business, about the carbon tax, proposed changes to the capital gains tax, and other issues that are impacting Canadians. Also on the show, Andrew McCreath, CEO and CIO, Forge First Asset Management, […]

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The secret weapon of wealthy Canadians

April 13, 2024 | Growth Income Legacy Lifestyle Taxes

You may not need life insurance, but should you want it? Join Dave Popowich and Faisal Karmali on More Than Money as they talk to Julia Garner, Estate Planning Specialist with CIBC Wood Gundy, about the common misconception that as your wealth increases, your need for insurance decreases. They’ll explain how life insurance can be […]

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What is the biggest risk to the economy?

April 6, 2024 | Economy Growth Legacy Lifestyle

Join Dave Popowich and Faisal Karmali on More Than Money as they talk to Michael Capus, partner with KPMG Canada, about why housing should be the #1 priority in the federal budget. Also on the show, Dale Copeland, professor and author of A World Safe For Commerce, talks about how economics impact national security. […]

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More Than Money

Tips for snowbirds getting ready to fly south

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Can I afford to retire? Will inflation and volatility ruin my retirement plans? How do I ensure my family is looked after? What happens if I have an unexpected health event? Can I support the lifestyle I want in retirement?

When it comes to preparing for a fulfilling and financially stable retirement, there are so many questions you need answered.

Dave and Faisal’s seminar will give you the practical tools and advice you need to bring your vision for retirement to life. Dave and Faisal cover topics like investment and tax strategies, financial and estate planning, and lifestyle goals to help make sure you’re ready to take the next steps toward retirement.

Sign up for their seminar today!

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