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Worried About Your Investments?

October 24, 2020 | All Growth Health Lifestyle

Hear why one of the country’s leading portfolio managers is comfortable with the current markets! Join Dave and Faisal on More Than Money this Saturday at 3pm, as they chat with David Fingold, Vice President and Senior Portfolio Manager at Dynamic Funds, about his take on the current markets, what he’s watching and the strategy […]

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More Trouble Ahead for the Canadian Economy?

September 19, 2020 | All Growth Health Income Lifestyle

Hear one economist’s take on what we could see! Join Dave and Faisal on More Than Money this Saturday at 3pm, as they chat with CIBC’s Deputy Chief Economist, Benjamin Tal, about what we could see in the Canadian economy over the next few months, including the potential for more layoffs and where recoveries could […]

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Do We Really Understand What We’re Paying For Investments?

September 5, 2020 | All Growth Health Income Lifestyle

Hear about some major misconceptions, and whether Canadians are getting smarter with their money! Join Dave and Faisal on More Than Money this Saturday at 3pm, as they hear about the results of a new survey by the Alberta Securities Commission that asked how much Canadians really know about their investments and the way they […]

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What Are You Missing in Retirement?

August 15, 2020 | All Growth Health Income Legacy Lifestyle

Learn about some of the most important topics people don’t talk about!   Join Dave and Faisal on More Than Money this Saturday at 3pm, as they discuss some of the important retirement items that no one talks about. Hear about how isolation can impact your health, based on Canadian statistical research, from Pamala Ramege-Morin […]

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Your Role As An Executor

Learn what you need to do, and what to do if you want to pass on your role! Join Dave and Faisal on More Than Money this Saturday at 3pm, as they talk to Katharine Zhang, a Partner at Walsh LLP, about what your duties are if you are named as an executor, and what […]

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Cancelled Summer Travel Plans?

Learn about some replacement options that are still available! Join Dave and Faisal on More Than Money this Saturday at 3pm, as they chat with Travel Alberta’s Director of Experience Development, Marty Eberth, about what exciting, unexpected, and fantastic experiences you can have, without needing to travel far! Find out about the safe options that […]

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Don’t Make This Tax Mistake

Learn about a commonly misunderstood form that could cost one taxpayer millions! Join Dave and Faisal on More Than Money this Saturday at 3pm, as they chat with Jamie Golombek, CIBC Private Wealth Management’s Managing Director of Tax and Estate Planning, about a recent case of a commonly misunderstood tax form that could cost one […]

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Staying Safe As Alberta Reopens

June 20, 2020 | All Growth Health Income Lifestyle

Hear from one of Alberta’s top doctors about what you should do! Join Dave and Faisal on More Than Money this Saturday at 3pm, as they chat with Alberta’s Provincial Medical Director, Seniors’ Health, Dr. James Silvius, about the plan for the reopening of the province, along with some tips to keep you and your […]

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Is Reopening The Right Thing To Do?

Hear about how the Canadian economy might be impacted in the next few months! Join Dave and Andrew on More Than Money this Saturday at 5pm, as they chat with CIBC’s Deputy Chief Economist, Benjamin Tal, about how the Canadian economic situation looks right now, and what a recovery might look like. He also shares […]

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Do You Know What You Are Investing In?

June 6, 2020 | All Growth Health Income Lifestyle

Hear about common misconceptions and misunderstandings when it comes to your money! Join Dave and Faisal on More Than Money this Saturday at 5pm, as they chat with Hilary McMeekin, Director of Communications & Investor Education at the Alberta Securities Commission, about the surprising number of people who do not understand their investments, why that […]

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More Than Money

How is Canada’s changing population costing you?

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Retirement is supposed to be your reward after years of hard work, but without the right plan, it can quickly become stressful. As you approach retirement, uncertainty can weigh heavily:

  • Do I have enough saved to retire comfortably and sustain my lifestyle?
  • How will rising inflation and unpredictable markets affect my income?
  • What’s the plan if my health deteriorates or my care needs change?
  • Will I be able to pass on my wealth to my family without unnecessary tax burdens?
  • Am I prepared for the unexpected, like market crashes or medical emergencies?

At Dave and Faisal’s seminar, you’ll discover strategies to ensure you’re financially secure, no matter what life throws your way. From optimizing your investments and reducing taxes to safeguarding your legacy and health, this free seminar is designed to tackle the biggest concerns of those within 10 years of retirement or already retired.

Ensure your retirement is everything you’ve dreamed of, sign up for this exclusive free event today!

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