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How Much Does Care Really Cost?

February 16, 2019 | All Growth Health Income Lifestyle

Find out about the costs you may not have considered in your retirement plan! Join Faisal and Andrew on More Than Money this Saturday at 3 pm as they talk about the cost of care and how to plan for it, with Karen Henderson, Founder and Chief Executive of the Long Term Care Planning Network. […]

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How Do Canadians Handle Retirement & Investing?

January 5, 2019 | All Growth Health Income Lifestyle

Find out with the results of a national survey! Join Dave and Faisal on More Than Money this Saturday at 3 pm as they chat about the results of the Ontario Security Commission’s National Investor Research Study with Senior Advisor, Research & Regulatory Innovation, at the Ontario Security Commission. Hear about how Canadians approach retirement […]

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Don’t Ignore This Risk In Your Retirement Plan

November 24, 2018 | All Growth Health Income Lifestyle Taxes

Hear about this important planning pitfall! Join Faisal and Andrew on More Than Money this Saturday at 3 pm to hear from Bonnie-Jeanne MacDonald, PhD, FSA, and Senior Research Fellow at the National Institute on Aging at Ryerson University, as she talks about her research that has exposed some shortfalls in traditional retirement planning. Then, […]

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Where Will Interest Rates Go?

November 10, 2018 | All Growth Health Income Legacy Lifestyle

Find out why one strategist thinks rates will reverse next year, and what it could mean for us! Join Dave and Faisal on More Than Money this Saturday at 3 pm to hear from Ian Pollick, CIBC’s Head of North American Rates Strategy, as he discusses why he thinks rates will decrease next year, and […]

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Stressed About Your Investments?

November 3, 2018 | All Growth Health Income Lifestyle

Find out how to take the worry out of your finances! Join Dave and Andrew on More Than Money this Saturday at 3 pm to find out how ‘money mindfulness’ can help you de-stress about your finances! Keith Emery of Credit Canada shares some tips about reducing your financial worries. Then, is orthodontic work necessary […]

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Keeping You And Your Portfolio Healthy

October 20, 2018 | All Growth Health Income

Hear about some health-related research and the latest market updates! Join Dave and Faisal on More Than Money this Saturday at 3 pm for a short show before the Stamps game! They will be chatting about the latest market updates, and how it is connected to Canada’s economy. Then, find out about pioneering dementia research […]

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Worried About Recent Market Volatility?

October 13, 2018 | All Growth Health Income Lifestyle

Find out what is happening in the markets! Join Dave and Faisal on More Than Money this Saturday at 3 pm to hear their take on the latest market volatility and what it could mean for Canadians. Then, hear one person’s take on surviving a layoff, and the decision to look for new work vs. […]

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Looking For A Second Career?

September 29, 2018 | All Health Lifestyle

Find out some popular options for people changing jobs as they near retirement age! Join Dave and Faisal on More Than Money this Saturday at 3 pm to hear about popular options for those nearing retirement age who are thinking about changing careers. Amyna Mohamed of Randstad Canada recruiters joins the show to share some […]

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More Than Money

How is Canada’s changing population costing you?

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Retirement is supposed to be your reward after years of hard work, but without the right plan, it can quickly become stressful. As you approach retirement, uncertainty can weigh heavily:

  • Do I have enough saved to retire comfortably and sustain my lifestyle?
  • How will rising inflation and unpredictable markets affect my income?
  • What’s the plan if my health deteriorates or my care needs change?
  • Will I be able to pass on my wealth to my family without unnecessary tax burdens?
  • Am I prepared for the unexpected, like market crashes or medical emergencies?

At Dave and Faisal’s seminar, you’ll discover strategies to ensure you’re financially secure, no matter what life throws your way. From optimizing your investments and reducing taxes to safeguarding your legacy and health, this free seminar is designed to tackle the biggest concerns of those within 10 years of retirement or already retired.

Ensure your retirement is everything you’ve dreamed of, sign up for this exclusive free event today!

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