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Show Category: Taxes

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Practical Tips for Investing and Estate Planning

May 12, 2018 | All Growth Legacy Taxes

Get information from experts that will help you make better decisions! Join Dave and Faisal on More Than Money this Saturday, as they discuss how you can become a better investor with the principles of behavioural finance. They are joined by psychologist, behavioural finance expert and bestselling author Daniel Crosby to chat about how to […]

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CPP, Taxes and Your Transition To Retirement

May 5, 2018 | All Growth Income Lifestyle Taxes

Get important information on all three this weekend! Join Dave on More Than Money this Saturday, as he talks about out how a hike in CPP rates could affect how Canadians invest, in conversation with Taylor Jackson of the Fraser Institute. Then, don’t miss CIBC’s Jamie Golombek, Managing Director of Tax and Estate Planning, as […]

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New CRA Requirements for Reporting Property Sales

April 21, 2018 | All Health Lifestyle Taxes

Find out what the new rules are and the penalties for not reporting properly! Join Faisal on More Than Money this Saturday for an info-packed show covering taxes, going back to work in retirement, the quality of long term care in Alberta, and an important reason to review the way your family manages finances. The […]

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How Does Your CPP Payment Really Work?

April 9, 2018 | All Growth Income Lifestyle Taxes

Find out the truth behind common misconceptions. Join Dave and Faisal on More Than Money this Saturday to find out how the Canada Pension Plan really works, as they discuss some common misconceptions about the fund, how you get paid, and more. Charles Lammam, Director of Fiscal Studies at the Fraser Institute, joins the show […]

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Can I afford to retire? Will inflation and volatility ruin my retirement plans? How do I ensure my family is looked after? What happens if I have an unexpected health event? Can I support the lifestyle I want in retirement?

When it comes to preparing for a fulfilling and financially stable retirement, there are so many questions you need answered.

Dave and Faisal’s seminar will give you the practical tools and advice you need to bring your vision for retirement to life. Dave and Faisal cover topics like investment and tax strategies, financial and estate planning, and lifestyle goals to help make sure you’re ready to take the next steps toward retirement.

Sign up for their seminar today!

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