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You’ve Helped Your Kid Buy a Home . . . Now what?

Over the last decade, we have seen more parents providing financial help to their Gen Z or millennial kids, from covering bills to allowing them to move back home to helping with down payments.  However, helping with these costs seems to be old news. According to Rob Carrick, Personal Finance Columnist with The Globe and…

Setting yourself up for success in 2024

A new year is a great time to reflect and set goals for the year ahead. If one of your resolutions is to retire in 2024, congratulations! In our experience as portfolio managers, there are four main areas that people who are approaching or living in retirement are concerned about: growth, income, healthcare, and legacy.…

Myths vs. Realities

It has been a wild two years. Post-pandemic uncertainty. Volatile markets. Geopolitical risk. It’s no wonder people are experiencing fear. However, when you make investment decisions based on emotions rather than on strategy, it can cause your retirement plans to go off the rails. The best way to fight fear is with facts. We want…

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More Than Money

Should the government help you age at home?

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Can I afford to retire? Will inflation and volatility ruin my retirement plans? How do I ensure my family is looked after? What happens if I have an unexpected health event? Can I support the lifestyle I want in retirement?

When it comes to preparing for a fulfilling and financially stable retirement, there are so many questions you need answered.

Dave and Faisal’s seminar will give you the practical tools and advice you need to bring your vision for retirement to life. Dave and Faisal cover topics like investment and tax strategies, financial and estate planning, and lifestyle goals to help make sure you’re ready to take the next steps toward retirement.

Sign up for their seminar today!

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