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Can Your Personality Dictate Whether Your Retirement Is A Success?

February 29, 2020 | All Growth Health Income Lifestyle

Hear about some research that says it has more of an effect than you think! Join Dave & Faisal on More Than Money this Saturday at 3pm, as they chat with Texas Tech University researcher Dr. Sarah D. Asbedo about her research into how your personality can change your financial situation without you knowing it. […]

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Risks To Watch For In 2020

February 1, 2020 | All Growth Health Income Lifestyle

Learn about some of the biggest potential market risks that investment professionals are watching! Join Dave and Faisal on More Than Money this Saturday at 3pm as they talk with Myles Zyblock, Chief Investment Strategist at Dynamic Funds, about what he’s watching in the markets this year, including important trigger points and geopolitical events that […]

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2020 Kickoff

January 11, 2020 | All Growth Health Income Lifestyle Taxes

Start the new year off right with some tips that could save you money on taxes! Join Dave and Faisal on More Than Money this Saturday at 3pm as they talk with Jamie Golombek, CIBC’s Managing Director of Tax and Estate Planning, about a few ways to start your year with potential savings on your […]

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Are Your Money Habits Harming Your Retirement?

December 14, 2019 | All Growth Health Income Lifestyle

Find out what holds many Canadians back from success in retirement! Join Dave and Andrew on More Than Money this Saturday at 3pm as they chat about the surprising reasons that many Canadians are making choices that are harming their financial situation in their retirement. They are joined by IIROC’s Vice-President of Strategy, Kathy Engle, […]

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Will Retirement Be What You Hope?

November 23, 2019 | All Growth Health Income Legacy Lifestyle

A new survey has some worrying results! Join Dave & Faisal on More Than Money this Saturday at 3pm as they take a look at a recent survey that suggests many Canadians are not enjoying retirement as much as they think they would. They take a look at why with Tom Reid, SVP of Group […]

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The Future of Canada

November 2, 2019 | All Growth Health Lifestyle Taxes

A geopolitical strategist looks at how Canada might fare in the coming global environment! Join Dave & Faisal on More Than Money this Saturday at 3pm as they chat with geopolitical strategist and author Peter Zeihan about the future of Canada on the world stage, and the internal challenges we face as a country that […]

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How To Find Happiness In Retirement

September 21, 2019 | All Growth Health Income Lifestyle

Find out from an international bestselling author! Join Dave and Andrew on More Than Money this Saturday as they chat with international bestselling author and Happiness Expert Neil Pasricha. Neil is the author of The Book of Awesome and The Happiness Equation, and he will be sharing some tips about finding happiness in retirement. Then, […]

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Retirement Realities

August 24, 2019 | All Growth Health Income Lifestyle

A personal retirement story, and real care options for loved ones! Join Dave and Faisal on More Than Money this Saturday at 3 pm as they discuss the real retirement process and hopes of long-time radio broadcaster Bruce Bowie of 630CHED, who will be retiring at the end of this month. He shares his thought […]

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Life Changes and Investment Losses

Get tips about how to make the best of your situation! Join Dave on More Than Money this Saturday at 3 pm as he chats with CIBC’s Jamie Golombek about how losses in your investment portfolio might help you save on taxes, in more situations than you may have considered. Then, Dave takes a look […]

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Handling Tough Retirement Situations

July 6, 2019 | All Growth Health Income Lifestyle

Find out how to cope with some common tricky retirement questions! Join Dave and Faisal on More Than Money this Saturday at 3 pm as they cover some common difficult retirement situations and some tips to handle them, from difficult conversations with your loved ones about money and health, to deciding when to retire. They […]

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Retirement is supposed to be your reward after years of hard work, but without the right plan, it can quickly become stressful. As you approach retirement, uncertainty can weigh heavily:

  • Do I have enough saved to retire comfortably and sustain my lifestyle?
  • How will rising inflation and unpredictable markets affect my income?
  • What’s the plan if my health deteriorates or my care needs change?
  • Will I be able to pass on my wealth to my family without unnecessary tax burdens?
  • Am I prepared for the unexpected, like market crashes or medical emergencies?

At Dave and Faisal’s seminar, you’ll discover strategies to ensure you’re financially secure, no matter what life throws your way. From optimizing your investments and reducing taxes to safeguarding your legacy and health, this free seminar is designed to tackle the biggest concerns of those within 10 years of retirement or already retired.

Ensure your retirement is everything you’ve dreamed of, sign up for this exclusive free event today!

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