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Grinch hands holding iPad that says "The 12 scams of Christmas"

The 12 scams of Christmas

‘Twas the week before Christmas, when all through the internet Not a creature was scheming except a scammer you’d never met. According to Mary O’Sullivan-Andersen, President and CEO of the Better Business Bureau, Canadians are expected to spend $15 billion this holiday season and much of that shopping will take place online where they are…

Top 3 Scams Seniors should be mindful of in 2024

Guest Post: Alberta Securities CommissionJune 15 is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, a time when the Alberta Securities Commission (ASC) is encouraging older Albertans and their friends and family to recognize the signs of elder financial abuse and fraud. Investment fraud continues to be the most prevalent form of fraud across Canada with seniors often…

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How is climate change costing Canadians?

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Retirement is supposed to be your reward after years of hard work, but without the right plan, it can quickly become stressful. As you approach retirement, uncertainty can weigh heavily:

  • Do I have enough saved to retire comfortably and sustain my lifestyle?
  • How will rising inflation and unpredictable markets affect my income?
  • What’s the plan if my health deteriorates or my care needs change?
  • Will I be able to pass on my wealth to my family without unnecessary tax burdens?
  • Am I prepared for the unexpected, like market crashes or medical emergencies?

At Dave and Faisal’s seminar, you’ll discover strategies to ensure you’re financially secure, no matter what life throws your way. From optimizing your investments and reducing taxes to safeguarding your legacy and health, this free seminar is designed to tackle the biggest concerns of those within 10 years of retirement or already retired.

Ensure your retirement is everything you’ve dreamed of, sign up for this exclusive event today!

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