Courtney Stewart

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Courtney heads client service for PKAG and is your first point of contact with the team. With over 20 years of customer service experience, she understands how important it is to maintain consistency and quality in all client interactions. She works closely with the rest of the team to provide superior client support and handles everything from meeting schedules and account maintenance to processing trades, fund transfers, contributions, and withdrawals.

In her spare time, Courtney enjoys spending time with her husband and their dog Tigger.

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More Than Money

How are the new capital gains rules affecting business owners?

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Can I afford to retire? Will inflation and volatility ruin my retirement plans? How do I ensure my family is looked after? What happens if I have an unexpected health event? Can I support the lifestyle I want in retirement?

When it comes to preparing for a fulfilling and financially stable retirement, there are so many questions you need answered.

Dave and Faisal’s seminar will give you the practical tools and advice you need to bring your vision for retirement to life. Dave and Faisal cover topics like investment and tax strategies, financial and estate planning, and lifestyle goals to help make sure you’re ready to take the next steps toward retirement.

Sign up for their seminar today!

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